Since 1996, much of my time has been devoted to writing and illustrating picture books, which have reached a broad readership in Australia and overseas, having been translated into several languages. While I describe them as picture books, they are not specifically children's literature and appeal to a general audience, experimenting with different kinds of illustrated narrative.
All titles are still in print, available through most book stores and online. More information about foreign editions can be found by checking sites of the publishers listed below.
A boxset edition comprising Tales from Outer Suburbia (2008) and Tales from The Inner City (2018), published by Allen & Unwin Australia, 2023. See the individual book titles below for more about each Tales volume.
Australian & New Zealand: Hachette Australia, Allen & Unwin, Windy Hollow Books (The Bird King)
United States: Scholastic Inc., Levine Querido (Creature)
United Kingdom: Hachette Children's Books, Walker Books, Templar
China: Beijing Poplar
Taiwan: Grimm Press, Taipei
Canada: Tundra / Penguin Random House, Scholastic Inc
France: Gallimard Jeunesse, Dargaud (The Arrival)
Germany: Aladin / Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag
Sweden: Lilla Piratförlaget (Little Pirate)
Spain (and most Spanish Language): BARBARA FIORE EDITORA
Italy: Tunue, Rizzoli (Tales from Outer Suburbia)
Denmark: ABC Forlag
Norway: Cappelen Damm, Egmont Serieforlaget AS
Netherlands: Querido
Japan: Kawade, Imajinsha (The Red Tree)
Poland: Kultura Gniewu
Czech Republic: Labyrint, Albatros
Turkey: Tudem
Korea: Publit, Prooni
Hungary / Croatia: Poket